City Switch Urban Interventions
With architect Toshinori Esumi (Izumo, Japan)
UTS Architecture & Renew Newcastle
Coal Tea Room
This urban intervention is in the style of a traditional Japanese Tea Room. A tea ceremony will take place in this specially designed room...
The inspiration for the tea room is Newcastle's coal industry: and the industrial revolution that has been fueled by coal. In our modern lives we have so many commodities that we use every day. Goods have become cheap, thanks to industrialism - but at what cost? The environment has suffered greatly, and along the way humanity has lost connection with the natural world.
The tea house is a place to contemplate these issues.
The materials used in the construction of the Tea house are as natural as possible: wood, sand, paper, cotton. These natural building materials remind us of the simple pleasures found in nature.
The lighting is a very important factor in the tea house design. The bright natural light has been blocked out and gentle candle light is the main light source. This light creates a calm atmosphere.
Design Sketches for the Tea Room Shadow Patterns -
Inspired by local Kattung(Indigenous) totems the eagle and the shark and circle symbols for a meeting place (with consultation from local Indigenous sovereigns.)

Coal Tea Room with Sticky Streets sticky tape art.

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