
Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The Forest for the Trees
Exhibition at Kurb Gallery - August 21st - 27th, 2010

A big Thank You and Respect to the artists I collaborated with - Alana, Natalie, Rosie and Sophia for being so committed to your art practice (in all the forms it takes.)

Thank You to The Kurb Gallery for having our show and for providing a space we can afford! for independent art exhibitions.

We sold a number of pieces and we could not do our work without your ongoing support for our Art - Thank You for coming and supporting us!

Elder by Sophia Zielinski

The Old Marri Tree by Fern York

Bugs by Rosie Vinicombe 

She lived in the forest and now she lives where the forest used to be (dollshouse) 
by Alana Grant

Leaves by Rosie Vinicombe

Poison Fruit by Natalie Williamson

Nest by Sophia Zielinski

Sapling by Natalie Zielinski

Cocoon by Natalie Williamson

Cocoon (detail) by Natalie Williamson

Tea for the Fae by Sophia Zielinski

Tea for the Fae by Sophia Zielinski

Earth changing - Desertification, by Alana Grant

Alana and Ruby - with Bugs by Rosie Vinicombe 

 Earth Mammas by Alana Grant

Brian and Katrina with Saplings by Natalie Williamson

 Bugs (various) by Rosie Vinicombe

Jasper on Bongo, Brian on Guitar Fern's Trees (various) with Gill and Jane

Friends with work by Sophia Zielinski, Rosie Vinicombe and Fern York

Big Karrak by Rosie Vinicombe

Thank You for supporting us!